Sponsored Athlete Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cheer Chalk Brand Rep.

We are seeking like-minded and driven athletes to join us as brand ambassadors! 

This program is FREE, but comes with so many benefits for Cheer Chalk fans, so apply now!

Sponsored Athlete Perks:

  • Coach access to exclusive tiered discounts for team bulk orders.
  • Earn % of credited sales to be paid back into your pocket. MAKE $$$
  • Opportunity to earn FREE Cheer Chalk through our sales program
  • Insider access to our sales and new product launches
  • Exclusive Cheer Chalk swag
  • Unique discount code for promoting via social media, team members, etc
  • Features on our Instagram page

Sponsored Athlete Responsibilities:

  • Spread positivity and support for our brand, other athletes and other teams
  • Become a part of our Cheer Chalk Family. Be active in our social media and support fellow ambassador teams and athletes
  • Share your team promo code, and enjoy the benefits!

Click the link below to sign up!
